Saturday, January 16, 2010

Wishful Thinking...

Today, Paige and Luke were playing nicely together in the family room (doesn’t happen often). I was in the kitchen when I heard Luke said “you are my BEST FRIEND!” about 3 times. My heart melted! How adorable to hear him say that about his little sister. I waited a minute, took in the whole scene and wanting to hear it again, said “Who is your best friend buddy?”. He said, “the fireman”. He was playing with his fire tuck at the time.

Don't say NO

Luke asked for a Dora special treat after he went potty the other day. I said "I'm not sure if we have any of those, let me check". He said, "Yes, we have some. Don't say "No" to me Mommy"

Ray Donald

Now that Luke can open doors on his own (a milestone we were dreading), he had taken to coming downstairs by himself in the mornings, rifling through the cabinets until he finds a suitable breakfast item. Suitable to a 3 year old means: animal cookies, chips, gummy bears, peanuts, and pretty much anything else NOT on the approved breakfast list published by the mommy. He brings his bowl and “breakfast” item upstairs and thrusts it into our faces, waking us from our nice, peaceful sleeps. This all is happening at 630am I should mention. We are less than thrilled with this new routine.

Luke talks…nonstop. Which is funny because sometimes when I’m talking he says “Mom STOP TALKING!” as if I’m the one with the endless chatter all day long. He doesn’t ask “When is daddy coming home”. He says “When is my daddy named Jay Ronald with the brown hair coming home from work”. I guess this is so I don’t confuse him with the OTHER daddy named Ray Donald with the blonde hair???
He is a funny funny kid!! All the talking means many cute conversations. I’ll try to remember and post some of the funnier ones.

"You look GOOD!!"

So yesterday, I’m sitting down for dinner with the kids. To set the scene, I went to Pilates in the morning, ran Luke to school, worked all day, etc., so I’m no makeup, whatever clothes I could throw together, hair pulled up, strands flying everywhere…you get the picture. Luke looks at me and says “Mommy, you look very good” and he was serious. After I stop laughing, I ask him why he said that. Seeing that this was clearly NOT the case, I surmised it had to be one of the following reasons:
• He is trying to butter me up for something…maybe cookies after dinner.
• He heard this either at school or on TV.
• He was lying, like when he comes home from school and tells me they had lasagna for snack.
• Love is blind
I’m not overly hopeful for the latter. He doesn’t elaborate. We finish dinner and move to baths and bedtime. After books and prayers he says “Mommy, Caillou (a cartoon he watches) says “you look good” to his grammy” ……I KNEW IT!!

What is going on with me?

Walking update - I can take 4 or 5 steps at a time but am by no means "walking" yet.

One super cute thing I've taken to doing is when I drop something I get a big smile on my face and say "UH OH!" I love to do this. It is my favorite game to play. Everyone seems to think I'm SO CUTE too!!

I also LOVE music. We started music class this week. I was a little thing the last time we took it so I usually stayed in the bucket seat but this time I'm right there boppin' to the music with the rest of them. LOVE IT!!

I'm talking up a storm too! Angie, my babysitter, swears "Angie" was my first word. I do say something that resembles it...but only because she worked with me on saying that word all day every day for weeks :)
I can also say what is starting to sound like: HI, MOMMA, DADDA, NANA
Not only am I super cute, but I’m smart too! At least this is what the big people tell me. I only eat food that I can pickup myself, no more of that spoon fed business. I am so good about taking my sippy cup and am not overly addicted to my binky, only at naps/bed. I am starting to take a great liking to my blankie…just like my brother…can help it if my Mimi makes the best blankie in the world?!