Saturday, September 10, 2011

Storyland 2011

This past weekend was the annual Storyland trip with the "five families". The kids were really looking forward to it. It was the first year that Luke really remembered the rides and got excited talking about which ones were his favorites. Paige talked a lot too and claims to remember but I think she is "me too'ing" after Luke's recollections.
We've stayed in different houses each year, this year we finally found our forever vacation house! It was beautiful and old and very very large - a must with 10 kids, 10 adults. This place was built in the 1860s as a summer house to a wealthy family from Europe. I didn't get a picture of the house (will next year) but did get a great view from the back porch. Also had a great yard for the kids to run run run run!!!
Storyland was great, as always. The weather was perfect and the place was not crowded at all. This year we ventured up to Cinderella's castle so Paige could meet her live and in person. Paige got a little shy when we got there but has been talking about her ever since and tells everyone she sees "I met Cinderella!!"

Favorite ride of the kids was the "Panda Express" as Luke called it. Looks like Daddy liked it too-

Mapping out the second half of the day -
How many kids can you fit in a pumpkin -
Paige driving???
Recapping over a pizza dinner -
View from the house -

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Conversation with a 2 year old....

Paige: Watch me dance Angie! I am a ballerina!!
Angie: Very nice Paige.
Paige: Mommy is going to send me to ballerina classes, Angie.
Angie: That is very fun Paige.
Paige: Will you come watch me?
Angie: Of course I will!
Paige: Will you bring Joe and Megan to see me too? (Joe is Angie’s husband andMegan is her daughter)
Angie: Megan lives in Florida, Paige.
Paige: In Florida with Mickey Mouse Angie?
Angie: Who is Megan?
Paige: Your friend?
Angie: She is my little girl!
Paige: No Angie, she is a big girl!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Just a wed morning...

I was merely trying to get a video of Paige running around like she was on speed when another certain someone enter stage left. This is just a typical Wed morning. It will be amazing if our kids turn out ok...KIDDING...

Random Happening -

The kids had a sleepover at Angie's house, the next night this was the scene as they were going to bed -

Paige, reading to her "baby bobby" as she put baby down for a nap. -

Luke had an Art Show for daddy last night. Ended up being worth it as both kids got $1 each from daddy for one of their "pieces" -

Just to show that some things haven't changed. Still dressing in crazy outfits -

Thumbs Up!! Daddy had the great idea of putting a band-aid on Luke's thumb to keep from sucking it. It has been working. Here is Paige giving the whole project a thumbs up! -

On our way to a friends birthday party -

RIP: Blue Peabody

Blue Peabody II
Born: 2/2010
Expired: 9/2011

Blue, what can we say. You had big fins to fill coming into our family. We, successfully, passed you off to the kids as Blue I. You did a great job playing the part. You outlived Blue I by a year and a half...not a difficult task seeing that Blue I lasted one month.

You were a good little Betta. When their were fights in the house over who was going to feed Marley, offering Blue up as an alt pet to feed always settled the score.

You were a lazy little fish. I pronounced you dead a few times, convinced that fish don't just lay on the rocks like that...but you did, like nothing I've seen.

You put up with fingers and toys being thrust in your bowl, not to mention living day in and day out with a giant orange plastic fish in your bowl.

We will miss you Blue Peabody II.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We call her....."The Cackler" -

Thought I'd catch it on video. The cackle...