Wednesday, June 24, 2015


As Ali gets older her personality shines through more and more.  She is a funny little thing.  When I set the table she promptly un-sets it for me.  She puts the napkins in the trash and the silverware back in the drawer (throwing it in as she isn’t tall enough to see where she is putting it).  It is a HUGE help.  For this reason, I have to strategically time not only dinner being done but setting the table seconds before we sit down. 

Another favorite activity of Ali’s is to put things in the trash when she is done with them.  This proves helpful when talking about empty squeeze applesauce, etc. but not so helpful when talking about non-trash items like sippy cups, toys, or pretty much anything she is done holding at the time and has nowhere else to put them.  For this reason, the trash must be checked hourly for foreign items.  I’ve found some good stuff in there (my phone, money, lip-gloss, etc..)

Ali is also talking up a storm.  Her language seems to have exploded in the last month or so.  If she wants something she yells (everything seems to be in a yelling voice these days – but she has to be heard which is a tall order in this house) MORE even if she hasn’t had any previously.  In the morning she comes down and yells MORE at the refrigerator to get her milk.  She yells CHEESE when she is hungry because this is the only food item she knows how to say and figures we will get the point that she is hungry if she stands by the fridge and yells CHEESE. It works.  If she wants to get up or down from somewhere she yells UP.  When she is done eating UP gets her out of her seat.  She is starting to say Luke “AAAKKKK” it sounds like.  She is starting to use two words together too “Angie bye bye”.

She loves hitting the kids on the head and throwing toys.  Both of which I’m trying to correct her on and trying to teach the kids that although you think this is funny we have to give a firm NO so she learns.  Mostly they just play hit her back which I’m pretty sure negates any teaching I’m trying to reinforce with her.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

It takes lots of work in the off season to perfect this beach bod!

Monday, June 22, 2015

School's Out For Summer!!!

Kids are very excited to be out of school for the summer.  
Last day of school at the bus stop.

Bus stop kids.  Luke will move up next year to another school (Miller School grades 3-5) and will get on and off the bus 30 minutes before Paige.

The mom's decided to have a little fun with the kids when they got off the bus and soak them with water guns.  They loved it...

Until they stole the guns and had a fight of their own.
We had a party for the kids last day after school.  Pizza, sprinklers, slip-n-slide and shaving cream(??)

They loved it.  Now the real fun begins....SUMMER!!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Ali Girl -

Some latest of #3. Most taken by Angie -

Even when he isn't there, she is waiting for him -


We went to Ocean State Job Lots the other day, Paige BEGGED for some reading glasses, $1.99 popped out the frames and has been wearing them ever since. Brainy Smurf??

Dancing in the streets -

 Two cavities for this guy in May...not a fun experience for anyone in the room.  He is highly motivated with the brushing, flossing and rinse ever since!

Very important business taking place for #2 and #3

Downfall of summer, coming home from work to see this -

Very bad hair day -

Trip to the Zoo with Luke's class -

Where's Waldo?  Paige had an end of the year sing-along at school.  Very cute and she was so excited when she spotted me in the crowed :)

Fishing at the lake -

Paige went to a birthday party for one of the little girls in her class.  It was French themed, she was dead serious with this outfit.  Loved it!

A gaggle of Frenches -

Sometimes, we must nap!