Thursday, April 8, 2010

15 Month Update -

I'm over 15th months old!! I had my Dr apt yesterday. I'm very healthy and growing very big, that is what my Dr says. She also says I have VERY pretty blue eyes. I like Dr. Jen!! Here are my latest stats:

Weight: 24.4lbs (50%)
Height: 31 inches (75%)
Head: (95%)

Still a melon head :)

I'm such a big girl and I like to do (or try to do) everything big brother does. That includes washing my hands like a big girl.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

opening grandma and grandpa's basket

Easter Egg Hunt II -

Because we had the family celebration on Saturday, we were able to go to the Country Club of New Bedford for their Easter brunch and egg hunt. Slight mix-up so we didn't get to the brunch but we were able to make it for the egg hunt. Paige was excited about getting to wear ANOTHER cute little Easter outfit (the best part of Paige's outfits is her cute little pink orthopedic-looking shoes that compliment any outfit, casual or dressy). Luke was excited about the opportunity to get more candy. Luke found 7 eggs, Paige found one (with mom's help) The egg hunt ended with Luke sliding down the hill of one of the holes and getting mud all over his back...NICE!!


Lots of goodies were waiting on Easter morning. We even got a package from Grandma and Grandpa that we added to the stack. Luke was so excited and spent all morning playing with all his new toys! Paige woke up (2 hours later) and was very excited to go through her basket as well. Lots of duckies!! This is the perfect holiday for our daughter and her duckie obsession. She walked around all day carrying around duckies and yelling D-U-C-K-I-E!!!