Saturday, January 18, 2014

Saturday fun -

 After ballet on Saturday, Paige and I had a fun at home day while daddy and Luke were in the Southcoast for the day (and Ali slept the day away). 

We got a surprise snow storm with some great packing snow so we made a family of snowpeople. Frank, Snowflake and their son George as Paige named them. Lots of fun playing in the snow -

After we came in from the cold and warmed up a bit, we continued our fun by making Luke his birthday cake -
And finished the day with a nice bubble bath -

Friday, January 17, 2014

Out little styler

I've always thought how nice it would be to have someone style me, like the celebs have personal stylers.  Well, lucky for me we have a budding stylist in our very own home. 

For months, Paige has picked her outfit out the night before complete with accessories, hair and jewelry. She places everything on her dresser.  Apparently, she was getting bored by ONLY picking her outfits.  One night, when she was supposed to be sleeping, she went around and picked outfits for the entire family.  She continued to do this for days and days.  I went upstairs one night after putting her to bed and asked her to get back in bed.  She said, "but mom I have to get everyone's outfits out and you don't know how much work it is!"

I have pearls to wear with my outfit -

Jay even got a hat but she forgot his pants -

 Luke blindly puts on whatever she puts out for him, he could care less -

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Getting to know Ali -

The kids are still so enamored with their little sister, a little too much at times. I have to watch to make sure they aren't bring too rough or pick her up...mostly Paige.  Luke is very good and gentle with Ali.  Recent pics of the kids with her...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ali Week 5 & 6 Update -

Updated pics of baby Ali.  She's smiling!!  Not a ton yet, but she is smiling more and more each day. 

She is still very sleepy during the day and ready to party at night.  This doesn't fit well with my schedule not being a night owl.  I usually leave Ali and daddy to hang out and try to head up to bed to catch some extra sleep.  She is still on a 3 to 4 hour schedule so not too bad.  She is very sleepy in the mornings through 2pm'ish.  She then starts to wake up.  We have to get her adjusted a bit.  As the kids say, Ali is nocturnal.

Monday, January 13, 2014


What's more adorable than little baby feet...