Friday, September 3, 2010

Sunday Fun -

Sunday, Daddy and I got some work done around the yard. He pulled out a bunch of plants in the beds in the back to make way for the new hydrangas! They look great.

Grampy came for a visit and some coffee and a muffin. We love playing with Grampy. He showed me how to draw in the lines and how to draw different animals, like an eagle! Paige just scribbled but mine looked pretty good!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

ANOTHER great beach day!

Our friends the Fishers and their kids came down this past weekend for a great beach day. We had lots of fun. The mommies and kids did the beach while the daddies golfed. We met back at the house for a BBQ and playing at the house. Everyone was VERY much ready for bed by the end of the night.