Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The kids are already so excited about Christmas.  It is hard to explain to them that although we have decorated the house and Santa is everywhere, Christmas Day is some time away.

Luke was asking just how long he was going to have to wait.

Luke: "Is Jesus' birthday tomorrow?"
Mom: "No"
Luke "The next day?"
Mom: "No"
Luke: "The day after that?"
Mom; "No"
Luke, clearly annoyed at this point: "Is Jesus' Mom even in the barn yet?"

Luke is just too funny sometimes.

Monday, December 3, 2012


I know I am not going to get mother of the year for showing my 3 year old Madonna videos (clarifying point that daddy actually introduced her to Madonna, I just fuel the bad habit) but I couldn't resist posting a video. 

First of all, she motors around the house in the bumble bee costume like this is normal attire for kicking back at home.  We are all so used to her craziness (see about 7 other previous posts) that no one even bats an eye at this.  Jay used to start singing "No Rain" by Blind Melons when she walked in the room (if you somehow missed the mid 90s grunge movement, see below video link  but we are all so used to it now.

She has moved through the 90s back to the 80s, now she is becoming obsessed with Madonna. It is hopeless....

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Celebrating Thanksmas in NH

Finding time to get everyone together for Thanksgiving AND Christmas is tough so this year we created an interim holiday - Thanksmas. We had a good old fashioned Thanksgiving meal then celebrated Christmas by opening gifts around the tree.  Best of both worlds!  We had a great weekend and the kids loved spending time with their cousins on Papa's farm.  COLD COLD COLD for us southcoasters.  It snowed all day Saturday but a light snow that was really pretty.  The cold snowy weather didn't keep the kids indoors, they were outside most the day helping with the barn chores or playing in the first snow of the season.  Papa spoiled the kids with gifts which they were extremely happy about as you can imagine. Grampy came for the weekend too which was nice.  Paige and Grampy have a little bond.  It is so cute to see a 3 year old and a 94 year old playing together.  Paige walks right up to Grampy and said "you want to play doctor with me?" and that was that.  Two hours later I found them in the family room still playing together.  Too cute!  The kids were so tired from too much fun.  After hockey on Sunday we laid low.
Pics of the house.  Nicely decorated for the season -

 Out to the barn.  Madison and Copper -
 Couple of crazies -
 Time for some chores.  Gotta get water and hay to the horses in the pasture -
 Walking Sophie out -
 In for a mid afternoon warm up -
 Back out for some tag -
 Papa's house in the background -
 Presents time -
 NOW you look like you belong in NH -
 Wooden flute -
 Cheetah!  My fav!!