Saturday, June 8, 2013

Zoo Time!

Today, we headed to the Southwick zoo with our friends from up north.  We like this zoo, never too crowded, nice and clean and lots of animals.  They have also done a lot of updates since we've last been. 
Paige and Daddy admiring the new giraffe exhibit -
Learning all about giraffes -
Inside the dear area. They clearly aren't afraid of people -
Train ride, this is the best pic I could get from four 6 year old boys -

Thursday, June 6, 2013

It's Baseball Time!

Luke started town baseball this year.  Big deal, one practice and two games a week!  Daddy is an assistant coach, Luke loves that.  He is also on the team with a couple of his friends from the neighborhood.  It is going to be a cute little season. No one strikes out, Everyone gets on base and runs the bases.  No one wins or loses.  Games go by time.  They hit off the T and by coach pitch.  The kids do pretty well, sometimes you can find them playing dirt in the outfield but for the most part they are engaged.  Luke is on the METS team, he is no. 7 and they are pretty good.
Game one - Looking the part for sure -

They got introduced the first game which was cute.
Up at bat!
Catchin' balls or getting tired, hard to tell -
 Me too loves to come to the games as well, although I suspect much of her motivation lies with the concession stand full of sugar we let them hit after the games.  She buddied up with one of the dads at the last game and by the third inning was sharing popcorn with him (on his dime no less!) She is also very good at distracting the players with her very loud chants and cheers.  One of her little buddies from school is on Luke's team so she spends a lot of time cheering for him.  She is pretty much a groupie.


Team pics! 

Monday, June 3, 2013

The weather has been so nice and warm.  The kids have been loving the outside playtime.
Luke devised a sprinkler system of his own -
Dinner outside in our jammies, what could be better?

Apparently the parents slept in a bit too long one morning because we came down and Luke had "breakfast" all set up.  Not sure what constitutes this as a complete breakfast, gummies???, but it was cute.