Saturday, April 23, 2011

Breakfast -

Today, Paige and I came downstairs. Luke was in the kitchen rummaging around (never a good thing). But this time he was surprising Paige with some breakfast. He made us stay in the living room and NOT LOOK for 10min (seemed like longer) until he was done. He had two kinds of cereal all put out in bowls, a granola bar and milk. Not a particularly well rounded breakfast but not bad either for a 4 year old. He was so cute showing Paige her breakfast when it was ready.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Famliy Fun Day -ZOO!

Jay and I took the day off work Friday and headed with the kids to the Roger Williams Zoo in Providence. Kids loved it. They love "our" zoo in New Bedford but it is nice to have a change of scenery once in a while.

Luke LOVED taking his Cheetah around with him for the day. They didn't have any Cheetah's but we did see a white lion which we talked up a ton, hoping it would did!

Paige fell in love with the Cardi's Furniture guys. Specifically the blue guy. She kept running up to him "I LOVE YOU!!" and hugging him. I think he was totally freaked out.

Stopping for a snack break

We sort of fell into a play...Paige was a unicorn and Luke was....of all things a Cheetah!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


We've been sprucing up the basement with framed artwork from the kids. Here is Luke making his signature Spiderman picture. He was VERY into his artwork this day...a true artist. It now hangs prominently above the TV in the playroom.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter Activities -

Coloring Easter eggs is always an adventure. Luke managed to get his thumb sucking hand completely stained in blue dye. I tried and tried to get it off. No luck. He later went down for a nap and sucked that sucker clean. His tongue was blue when he woke up. I'm going to go out on a limb and say this was probably not the best thing for him to ingest. Luke, if you grow a third eye sometime down the line, we'll know why.

Paige on the other hand, is like a bull in a china shop. She slams the eggs down. Her break rate was about 68% of the eggs she handled.

Loved opening our baskets from Grandma and Grandpa. Luke got a cheetah, which is his fav and Paige a Hello Kitty case.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011


Luke is a picky eater. He has, however, gotten much better in the last few months. Protein sources..meat, etc.. have always been a struggle. He does like chicken.

SO, we've discovered some NEW types of chicken for mealtime in the Peabody household:

What we tell Luke ~ What it actually is
Chicken ~ Regular everyday chicken
Dark Meat Chicken ~ Duck (yes, we've tried duck for dinner lately)
Brown Chicken ~ Beef
Pink Chicken ~ Salmon

This is about as far as we've gotten so far. It is working. He actually eats the stuff. The possibilities are endless:

White Chicken ~ White Fish
Tan Chicken ~ Pork
Green Chicken Legs ~ Green Beans...OK maybe a stretch but you know I'll try it.