Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day!

We had a great time at The Parent's for Christmas Day!! Kids loved hangin' with the cousins of course. Again, it was great to see Nana doing so well and Grampy as well. Great fun, family and food!!

Christmas Morning -

Santa was VERY good to us this year. Lots and lots of goodies when we woke up. Luke was so good. He woke up around 6:45 and after peeking downstairs, came running in to tell us that Santa did in fact come! We managed to keep him upstairs until 7:30. Luke and Mommy went down so he could open his stocking while we waited for Daddy and Paige to get up. They loved their gifts. Luke wasn't too sure about the Pats jersey. He was MUCH more into the Bengals one he got later that morning from Uncle Dave. Not too much time to play with toys, we were off to Stow for Christmas at The Parent's house!

Friday, December 24, 2010

"Prepping" for Santa -

We had a busy day on Christmas Eve. We had to make cookies for Santa. Of course, the kids LOVE this because the eat more than they decorate but they each got to pick out one of their cookies to leave out for Santa.

We couldn't forget about the reindeer! We sprinkled some food outside so they knew where to land.


Special Christmas wishes from Luke and Paige -

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

- - - - HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY PAIGE - - - - - -

Can't believe she is TWO! Mimi came down for a nice visit. We went shoe shopping. Both kids made out. Paige got some great every day shoes and Luke got much needed winter boots. Daddy came home early and we all had dinner, cake and presents. She is growing up WAY too fast...our little girl.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

First snow of the year!!

We finally have some snow. The kids were so excited to go outside and play in the snow for the first time this year. Luke was loving it, Paige, not so much. Luke and his friends Jacob and Caleb pretty much just ran around and tackled each other.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Brunch with Santa at the Country Club -

Today, we had brunch with Santa. The club did a great little brunch. They had face painting and balloon animals to keep the kids occupied along with sing along to Christmas songs. We had brunch and then the big guy (and the missus) arrived. The kids AGAIN got to sit on his lap and tell him what they wanted. If Santa doesn't get it right after 3 trips to see him this year, we're in trouble. They had little age appropriate toys for the kids that Santa was handing out. Very cute. The kids had a great time.

I got a candy cane balloon to match my candy cane face -

Check out my reindeer hat -

Lovin' the dessert, as if I haven't had enough sugar already this holiday season -

Our visit with the big guy -

Loved getting gifts from Santa himself -

Me too -

Christmas "Cheese" -

Silly smile -