Friday, June 27, 2014

Trip to Ohio -

This year, we headed to Ohio as soon as school got out.  Lucky for us it wasn't as hot as in years past. We hit all the usual spots: Columbus Zoo, Skyline, OSU campus, fishing and playing in the backyard.  We tried out a water park this year which will surly become a staple as the kids LOVED it.  We left Ali girl at home for most of the outings.  She was able to spend some one on one time with G&G so it was perfect.  

Kids love to slip n slide -
Played a lot with the neighbor kids -
The Ohio hot and humidity left poor Ali with a head sweat spot in her car seat, HA -
Grandma did a monkey breakfast again this year.  Kids asked for it & love it -

Loves of time hanging out with Grandpa -
And playing on the back deck in boxes -

Love the belly sleeping shots -
Trip to the OSU campus. Trying to brainwash the kids early to become a Buckeye.  We each bough a new OSU something at the campus store -
Posing with Woody -
We got into the stadium which was sweet!  Can't wait to take the kids to a game -
Uncle Dave came with us -
Future Buckeye QB?  A mom can dream, can't she?

Mirror lake was under construction but we walked around & to the oval -
The Union, completely redone and much nicer then the ghetto one during my day -

The next day, we headed to the zoo.  We always love this trip.  The kids (mainly Luke) looks forward to it all year.  

A few years ago they added the kangaroo section.  You can walk in and get up close and personal with the kangaroos.  They hop all around you.  Pretty cool!
Had to stop for the dip-n-dots -

The African section is new this year.  It is really nice.  Looks like a savanna with all kinds of animals roaming around.  Luke was so psyched to see this new section -
The best part of the zoo (in our opinion) is the new cheetah section.  They raised these cheetahs with yellow labs.  They look just like Marley.  Apparently cheetahs are nervous animals and being raised w the dogs helps calm them.  They are now all litter mates as far as they are concerned. It is wild watching them all run around together and play.  We think Marley would have been a good cheetah mate too!

Luke was picked for a dung beetle demo (of all things!) -

The water park was a huge hit!  Kids loved it.  It is huge with so many slides and fun things to do.  I think the favorite was the wave pool.  Kids loved it!

We had to get out yearly Skyline fix -

Fishing.  Caught a biggie -