Saturday, January 14, 2012

Farmer Music

I was driving with the kids the other day. "Me and You" by Kenny Chesney came on the radio. I turned it up and told the kids, "listen up, this was mommy and daddy's wedding song". It is a country song. I guess the kids haven't heard many country songs because after listening for a bit Luke says, "mommy, why is a farmer singing this song?" He then launched into the Spanish Inquisition of questions (that we get lately for just about every subject that comes up).
"Are all wedding songs sung by farmers?"
"Did this farmer singer come to your wedding?"
"Do they have farmers in Hawaii?"
"What kind of animals do they have in Hawaii?"
"What do the swimming turtles eat?"

Somehow the song loses the romance factor when you are answering questions about what turtles prey on!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Here are a couple pics of Luke in his hockey gear.  He loves it!!  So cute!