Wednesday, October 7, 2009

9 Month Update!

I'm a big healthy girl!! 20lbs and growing! The doctor asked if mom put Miracle Grow in my bottles. Must be, because I'm growin'like a weed!! I had to get my blood taken for my lead test and my flu shot. I was such a good girl, didn't even cry. My big brave brother got his flu shot before me and showed me there was nothing to be scared of.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Excuese me if I'm cranky...

but I'm really not...not for all the teeth I've been working on lately. I have my two bottom, my two top fangs, and now I'm working on my two top front teeth. I'm hard at work getting those teeth in. You would never know it. Mommy says I'm such a great baby even when I'm teething!!

Happy Birthday Nana!!

We went to Mimi's for dinner Sunday night to celebrate Nana's birthday. We told Luke we were going to Mimi's. He says "CAPE COD!!". We had to explain to Luke that Mimi has another house, it had been sometime since we'd been to Lexington, Luke didn't remember. So he looks at us and says "Mimi's Cape Cod house is broken" as if he had it all figured out in his head.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Apple Picking!!

This weekend was the annual apple picking outing with our friends (although last year got rained out). It was a beautiful day. The kids loved it, we did miss the Ryan family this year! They have lots of great things for the kids to do: see the animals, ride the little tractors, have cider donuts and other yummy treats, go in the hay maze and jump on the hay stack and oh yeah..there was the apple picking part too!! Luke really got into it this year and was able to pick the apples himself...after some coaching not to take the apples from the ground. Next year we'll work on not "throwing" them in the bag. All in all, a great day!!!

In the old neck of the woods..

Before apple picking, we drove around Acton and drove by our old house. We figured it had been almost exactly a year since we moved. We asked Luke if he knew where we were when we pulled in. He said "Jackson's house". NO. He said "Katie's house" and pretty much went down the line of his friends. He didn't remember our house at all which was a little sad but what did we expect the poor guy wasn't even 2 when we left and haven't been back in a year. We went to Kimbell's for some ice cream too!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

New Toys!!

We've moved toys around, taken some downstairs, out, in and all around. We also got some great new toys from cousin's Chase and Madison. Both kids are lovin' having "new" toys to play with. Fan fav is the Dora kitchen for sure...