Saturday, April 26, 2014

Vacation Week

We had a pretty low key vacation week.  I took some time off to hang out with the kids.  We went to a movie with our neighbors one day and Chase's birthday party at the trampoline place another day.  We spent a lot of time outside playing with neighborhood friends and walks to the lake.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Ali - Five Months

I'm thinking about what I can write about Ali girl in month five.  Seems like it has been more of the same b/c I can't think of a single milestone to reference this month.  Not rolling over yet.  Want to but she's got to figure out how to get that great big belly in motion, no small fiat. 

Chewing on her hands a ton, yells and makes lots of noises.  Starting to find her feet to grab onto. 
She is still our happy, easygoing girl.

Apparently we got lots of pics of the little lady this month...

Paige brought home this balloon one day and Ali looked at it and smiled & laughed for a long long time. Loves balloons apparently -

Paige dresses Ali most days.  Today, she was feeling sassy -

 Paige had Ali all decked out this day -

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Luke said that WHEN he is president he will reverse the weekends and weekdays so that the weekends are five days and the weekdays are only two days.

Luke also said that if he was a second grade teacher he would just let the kids play for five hours a day.  Sometimes while they were playing he would teach them animal facts.  But there would be no math, reading or any of that other nonsense.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Paige : "Mommy, were you born in China?"
Mommy: "Nope, I was born in Ohio, where grandma and grandpa live."
Paige: "Ohhh, do you speak Ohioian then?"
Luke: "NO PAIGE!  Ohio is in America and everyone in America speaks like us!"
Not entirely true Luke but close.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Marathon Monday!!!

Keeping with tradition and since daddy gets patriots day off work (and mommy doesn't), daddy took the kids to the watch the marathon today.  Perfect weather for a day outside. The kids loved it, although they did miss Chrissie as she finished her first marathon today!!  
Luckily there was no drama this year but Jay did say there was visibility more security on the route.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!!!!

The EB changed things up this year and made the kids do a scavenger hunt to find their baskets.  They are so used to seeing their baskets on the kitchen table when they come down in the morning that they missed the envelope on the table and came running up very upset that the Easter Bunny hadn't come.  After the third trip downstairs, Luke finally found the note.  When he opened it and read it, he realized it was time to hunt!

I finally got the kids their personalized baskets -
 Lots of fun stuff in their baskets this year, virtually NO candy -

 So thrilled with their stuff -
 Playing with Paige's dress up dolls -
 The EB skimped on Ali, just one thing for her -
 Luke got a dinosaur fossil set, he had to excavate and put it together -
 The cousins (minus Ali girl) -
 There she is -
 Egg hunt time -