Friday, February 22, 2008

Drum Roll Please........

Thanks to everyone who weighed in…oh yeah, only my friend Jen Doll commented. Apparently my blogging friends aren’t interested in “interactive blogging” – ps. emailing your answers on the side does not count!!! SOOOO…what is the difference in the two pictures……..Monday I got my first hair cut!!!! Can you see now the difference???!??
It was big fun. Mom and Dad were both off work so they took me to Kid Klips here in Acton. They were all worried I was going to have a meltdown mid-cut but I was such a good boy. I just looked around and made the pretty haircutter-lady think I was the perfect little boy!!! It must have looked like so much fun that Daddy decided to get HIS haircut too – yes, also at Kids Klips. he he!! I got to sit in the airplane seat and watch cartoons. It was big fun. I hope they take me to get my haircut again!!!!

Blockhead or Blockhead's Dad???

Which one is our Marley Man and which one is his daddy Wilber. NO JOKE!!! One of the pics really is his daddy. Can you tell who is who???? Marley, I guess we know where you got your blockhead... he he!!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Do You Have The Answer???

What is the difference between these two pictures??? Can you guess?? Post your answer in the comments….
Check back later this week for the answer…he he!!!