Friday, March 18, 2011


The day has finally come. Paige is very excited but I think I'm most excited of all. NO MORE DIAPERS!!! WOO HOO!!! Paige took to potty training so quickly. She just got it pretty much right away. She started wearing underwear during the day about a week ago. She has had a few accidents but overall is doing really great. Most of the time, she just goes on her own (on her little potty) poops and pees. She still has a diaper at night for now. After the last go around, I was ready for a long battle but this was one of the easiest parenting things I'd gone through yet!

And she is very excited about her princess undies. She shows everyone and anyone her undies (we need to work on that a bit) and also asks to see YOUR undies (also needs some fine tuning)

Here she is getting her new princess undies. She always picks them out in the morning. If you don't let her pick out just the right pair, she gets very upset. She also pulls her pants down 14 times a day to look and start conversations about them. "Mommy did you see my pretty undies" "My undies are so pretty" "I have undies on, Mommy, princess ones!"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mini Courtney Love???

I'm not really sure what to say about these pictures, other than she is DEAD serious that she is lookin' fine. Totally into the accessories...all girl. I was going to post a picture of Country Love next to her because this is what I think of when I look at these pics but I didn't want to be too mean (and I couldn't find a good one online.he he!) I just keep thinking that going to a catholic school will be very good, she won't have a chance to scare her classmates with her...whatever this is...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Just Havin' Fun!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Luke is having a most observant day. First he says to me, "Mommy, I can't see my face!" He meant without looking in a mirror.
Then, he and Paige were in the bath and he says, "Paige, your tinky fell off"

Monday, March 14, 2011

Luke was building a skyscraper buiding with the blocks. Angie said, "are you making a building in New York City" Luke said, "No this is daddy's work building." I thought that was cute.

Just thought this picture of Paige coloring at the library was cute

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cousin's Weekend -

Another successful semi-annual cousin's weekend!

Trail walk -

Very encouraging with Paige on her potty - Reading books - Fun outside -

Dance Party USA-

Bedtime -