Monday, October 22, 2007

The Red Sox Season!!

As we go into the World Series, lets reflect on the Red Sox season. OK, lets not, lets just look at some cute before and after pictures of me! Can you guess which one was on Opening Day and which one was last week during the Indians Series??

Birthday's Galore!!!

So many birthday's so little time. First Mommy's birthday then just one day later Ashley Joan and today is daddy's birthday!! We had everyone over last night for the celebration. I didn't make until present/cake/ice cream time....parties tire me out!!

Apple Picking with my Friends!!!

I went apple picking with 3 of my friends the other weekend. It was big fun!!! I was stuck in the stroller most of the time so the most I did was stroll around with a few apples in my seat. I tried to enjoy an apple, taking my daddy's lead - he had more than a couple but I had a really hard time biting into my apple. Could be my lack of teeth. Not sure, just a theory.