Saturday, January 21, 2012


It finally snowed!! The kids have been asking for snow for weeks. They were so confused when it didn't snow on Christmas. Luke said, "God must be tricky that he isn't making it snow".
We decided to brave the storm and make our way to Westport to a great sleddind hill. It was pretty crowded but we found a side hill much less crowded and more managable for the kids. Luke was LOVIN' it. Jay is convinced that he is ready for skiing after today. He was face-planting in the snow and loving it. Paige was such a trooper. They both did great.

We got a dusting on Friday morning, kids were so excited but disappointed to learn it was not snowball/snowman making snow -

Second storm. We got a good 10 (ish) inches. A real snow! Paige was lovin the snow tube -
Luke preferred the turbo sled -

Much needed hot chocolate and rest after a long day of fun in the snow -

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Marriage Dress -

This is what Paige calls her "marriage dress".
She saw a picture of us from our wedding and said, "MOMMY YOU MARRIED!" as if this were quite a revelation. She then told me she was going to marry daddy. I told her he was already taken, "I married him Paige." She did a very dramatic and frustrated "AAAAHHHHHHH!"

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The big 0-5!!!

I can't believe it! 5 years old. Such a big boy! We've been telling him everything that happens when you turn 5. Things like no sucking your thumb other than your bed, no training wheels, things like that. Luke said to me the day before his birthday, "I'm not sure I want to turn 5". Guess it wasn't sounding all that appealing to him..HA!
Apprehension aside, he was VERY excited when the day finally came. He played "the birthday card" all day and he played it well. For example, "Paige, I get to pick first because I am the birthday boy!" OR "I get a bigger piece because I am the birthday boy".

The night before his birthday, while putting him to bed, I was telling him about when he was born. He asked what time of day he was born. I said, "you were born after lunchtime". To which he said, "what did I eat for dinner?"

Mommy and daddy both had to work so we came home and Luke wanted to stay home and have pizza. So that is what we did!

Since I wasn't there when he got up in the morning :( I tried to set it up nice for the birthday boy -
Dinner pizza party -
The kids made the cake with Angie. Paige botched the frosting job. But the kids loved it. Luke picked out the candles. 5 for him and a 3 for Paige.
The birthday boy :) -

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Apparently they are doing yoga at Paige's school (that or she has been sneaking down and watching my yoga DVDs). She was all too excited to show me all her moves when she got home from school yesterday. She actually had a couple of them (directionally) correct -like downward dog. Others she totally made up. She was dead serious about her moves. I think she thought she was a professional yogi....

Her sun salutation -
The unicorn -
Downward dog -
Undisclosed yoga move -
She said "I don't know the name of these ones" but was very certain they are legit -

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Princess Ballet Continues...

at 53 Chestnut Street. If you happen to drop by, there is a fairly good chance Paige will be in full princess dress and music blasting in the ballroom, I mean the kitchen. Getting a little radio with all her fav songs for Christmas only added fuel to the fire. Her absolute fav is Beauty and the Beast but she doesn't discriminate when it is dancing time. She'll bust out a ballet routine to just about anything. Lately, she is partial to the red sequin skirt she got from grandma and grandpa. If the light is filtering into the house and she hits it just right, the reflection from the sequins creates a disco ball effect. She LOVES this, it too fuels the princess diva fire!