Friday, July 18, 2014

Our bird nest -

Luke came running into the house the other day all upset because he and a neighbor boy were shaking a tree and a little baby bird fell out.  After realizing the little guy was still alive, we scooped him back up and put him back in the nest.  Luke was VERY concerned about his well being and that the "mommy bird was going to be really mad".  We've been watching out little nest ever since.  In this pic, I think the poor guy thought I was mommy coming back with some food.  They are cardinals as we have seen mommy in there caring for her babies.  We can't tell how many are in there at least two or three.  We hope the little guy that took a tumble is OK!  They are very young.  Eyes not open yet and no feathers just some fuzz on their naked skin.  They are cuties though..

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Luke and I were reading one of his bird books.  He got to this page and said, "Oh, this eagle has hair like Ali!"