Saturday, July 31, 2010

Beach Day!!

We had our friends from up north down for the day. We did the beach and a BBQ at our house after. We had great beach weather which was nice. The kids loved it! Lots of playing in the sand and water for the older ones for sure. When we got back to our place, everyone continued the fun by playing in the "pool" and swingset. A full day of beach + pool + swingset + lots of playing = 10 tired kiddos!

The cutest, Luke was SO excited this morning when he woke up and learned that all his friends were coming to our house. He went around and set bowls out for everyone so they could have a snack when they arrived. He had specific places for each of them to sit, it was too cute -

The newest additions to the group, Jackson's little sisters -

Christopher, maxin' with a brew -

Paige and Olivia, getting acquainted -

Boys being Boys -

Paige, Chillin' with her somewhat younger but very cool friends Olivia and Jonathan -

Dinner time -

Too much fun -

Friday, July 30, 2010

Dr. Paige

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Double Hat Day

Another favorite game, on one particular day anyway, is to wear two hats and walk around the house. This may not sound like much fun but for Luke and Paige it was a complete crack up! They LOVED this game...couldn't get enough of it. Who needs the 345 toys they have laying around the house...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Beach Day with Anne

Anne came down last weekend for a beach day!! We had lots of fun, despite the pictures of us all bundled up in our towels, it was a GREAT beach day. We spend a lot of time in the water!

Monday, July 26, 2010

"Bye Bye Mommy"

Paige's latest game to play is to grab a bag (or anything that resembles a purse/bag) and say (scream/loudly), "BYE BYE MOMMY" and walk around the house. She thinks she is SO funny doing this. Luke has also caught on!