Saturday, November 22, 2014


Luke came home from a CCD mass last night and this was the conversation at dinner:

Luke: Mom, who decides if someone becomes a saint.

Mom: (I did my best to explain)

Luke: Well Mrs. Burke is a saint.

Mom: Your teacher? I don’t think so buddy.  Why do you think that?

Luke: Daddy said it this weekend.  He said that she was a saint.
Mom: Oh no buddy, he was kind of kidding, like a figure of speech.
Luke: No mom, he said it.  He said she was a saint.

Earlier conversation:

Daddy: Mrs. Burke is a saint to put up with a classroom full of second graders all day, every day.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Something about Ali....

Angie put Ali's hair up yesterday.  Today, Ali woke up looking like this.
I couldn't help thinking she could have been a hair double for Cameron Diaz in Something about Mary.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Ali One Year Pics -

I took Ali to get her one year old pictures today.  She wasn't super comfortable & wasn't giving out too many smiles until of course we were done and reviewing the pics....then she was all smiles.  But we got some cute ones.  I was able to get an 8x10 for our bedroom to match her sister and brother's baby pics. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Early Thanksgiving Celebration -

We got together with the five families today to celebrate an early Thanksgiving.  We actually usually get together for Halloween and Christmas but as the kids get older and into more activities it is so hard to find time that works for everyone. We hosted since we hadn't yet had everyone here in Holliston. 

Per the usual, Luke was very excited to help me party plan & helped me set the table and make the candy cornucopias for the kids place settings. He is my little party planner.