Saturday, November 14, 2009

Looks like we have a future pole dancer among us…

Friday, November 13, 2009

Marley and Me...

Marley is soooo good with the kids. He LOVES to be right there...baths…bedtime…feeding (especially feeding time!) he is always right there. Sometimes he is TOO much right there. Being 95lbs and having no social awareness, he often gets in the way. But we love him all the same :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Halloween Hangover/ Dinner with Friends...

Someone had a hard time accepting the fact that Halloween was O-V-E-R. Luke kept asking to put the Halloween decorations back out and insisted on wearing his costume for days after. Any time we would mention someone, he would said “what are they being for Halloween Mommy?” I had to sit down with him and have the hard talk “Halloween is over honey, until next year” After a week or so the Halloween talk subsided.

At dinner one night this week, Luke INSISTED on having his bunny and bear eat too. So I humored him and put them at the table.

This was not good enough. They had to have napkins, Luke spread out just so. AND apparently they have dietary restrictions because Luke said “no mommy, they don’t eat Cheerios, they eat bananas” Well excusessssss me. So cute :)