Saturday, June 4, 2011


Marley turned the big 5 this past weekend. We celebrated with a pancake and peanut butter cake and a bone. What could be better?? The kids, upon learning it was Marley's birthday, just wanted a chance to sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Let us reflect on how far Marley has come. Check out this video. He has become MELLOW DOG. Who would have ever thunk it? The kids use and abuse him and he doesn't move a muscle -

On the other hand, we still have some things to work out. I came down the other day for work to see this. The worst part about the whole thing is that he didn't move an inch when he saw me -

I always said "I just want a lazy dog" careful what you wish for!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pure Love!

Took Luke’s shirt off the other day, getting ready for the bath. Pure, raw emotion took over as Paige runs up to Luke, tackles him and screams “I LOVE YOU LUKIE!!” over and over! It was so cute. Luke, of course, wanted no part of this. He said, “Paige, go off me!” as he tried to wiggle away.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer is Here!!

Luke has been asking me for weeks, "is summer here yet!?" Mainly, he wants to use the water table he got for his birthday back in January and he wants to get out the pool. Oh, and he wants to eat popsicles outside...very excited for that!
So, we finally got the water table out last week. Luke was SO excited. Poor guy has been waiting MONTHS to use his new toy.

Paige, clearly, is not to be trusted with the sprayer -

How do you get this dirty in a small yard in a very short amount of time??

The Portuguese Lullaby -

No idea what she is saying but apparently, according to Angie, this is a Portuguese children's song about ducks sticking their tail feathers out of the water. Paige is becoming bilingual before she steps foot in school, he he!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mem Day Parade!

Loved watching the Memorial Day Parade that comes right through Padanaram. We walked down with some neighbors. The kids loved it. Horses, fire trucks, bands, candy throwing boy scouts...what could be better! Waiting to leave for the parade, all decked in her red, white and blue -

Monday, May 30, 2011

Mem Day Weekend!!!

We had a great Memorial Day Weekend! Played too hard. By Monday night, we were all dog tired...even Marley!
Too many parties and not enough rest..but we loved every minute of it.
The kids had a great time, highlights of course seeing their cousins and family for a BBQ on Sunday.
We also hit the beach for the first time..woo hoo! The weather was SO NICE. I couldn't keep the kids out of the water. They both love the beach/ocean/sand/summer so much!!

The first of many beach pics that will be popping up on the blog this summer -

We went to a beautiful beach. The great thing about this area is THE BEACHES in the summer. This was a private beach on the other side of the Padanaram Bridge called Nonquitt. BEAUTIFUL. I told Jay, we need to find a rich uncle so we can buy a house over here :)

Got a pic of the kids with the view, although it was my cell camera and not so good.