Saturday, April 3, 2010

Pre-Easter Celebration :)

We celebrated Easter on Saturday at The Parents. Luke was VERY excited that he was getting to see Chase-n-Madison AGAIN so soon after the last weekend sleepover. He kept asking me this week, "who's house are we going to??" Just to hear me say "Chase and Madison's house" and he would scream and jump up and down. So cute! We started off with an Easter egg hunt, compliments of Papa, followed by a great brunch.

Lots of great pictures...

Friday, April 2, 2010


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Coloring Easter Eggs!!

When Luke came home from school, and Paige was quietly down for a long nap, Luke and I colored Easter eggs :) He was REALLY into it. Dipping things in colored water...Luke thought he died and went to heaven. I'm not sure why the makers of this stuff make it so hard to get off the little ones hands. His hands (actually his arms up to his elbows) were stained with the dye. Luke had fun. He wanted to make sure that Jacob, Chase, Madison and Angie all got their own special eggs.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Theater Seating -

The other day, Luke wanted to watch something on the computer. I think it was Easter bunny songs on youtube. youtube is a fan fav and pretty much all he really knows is on the computer which is fine with me for the time being. He was so excited that he brought all the chairs he could find over and filled them with his "friends" It was very cute. He was even telling Paige-y where to stand, all the real seats were taken, so much for the family advantage. She buys right into his program....for now!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Waterfront property

This isn't exactly what we had in mind when we said we always wanted to have waterfront property. Good for us no water in our yard or our basement but bad for many of our neighbors, their yards looked like this or worse and we've been hearing horror stories about water in the basement.

Class Clown

I went to pick Luke up from school today. His teacher said to me. "If Luke DOESN'T get voted class clown in high school, I'll be shocked"
She said, "He is such a silly kid and once he knows he has an audience it gets even better!"
She also commented on how he is always so happy!
That's our Luke....

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dancin' with Chase N Madison -

this is a couple weekends old, but this is what it looks like when we have all the kids for the weekend...


Paige is OBSESSED with duckie's. He favorite is a little yellow duckie but she will seek out just about any duck she can find and yell "DUCKIE". It is very cute. She also points out Doggies and Bunnies.

Introducing Blue Jr.

Due to Blue the First's untimely death, we were forced with the difficult (mostly because we had to get one that looked “just right”) task of replacing him…and fast…before the kids got home from their weekend with their cousins. I’m sure the parenting 101 books say that you should embrace this opportunity to teach your kids about death. We chose the lazy route of replacing him and keeping everything status quo in the Peabody household. Luke, if you’re reading this when you are older, sorry buddy, we didn’t want to have to go there with you yet. Mission accomplished! Luke will be none the wiser when he gets home tonight. Welcome Blue Jr. to the house….

Blue -

Blue Peabody
Jan 2010 – March 2010
RIP Blue. You were a good fish. What we appreciated most about Blue was his timing. Thank you Blue for choosing the one weekend our kids were away to kick the bucket. For that we will be forever grateful. It gave us just enough time to replace you with another just similar enough looking fish before the kids got home. We’ll miss you Blue the First.

Car Dancin' on the way to meet Chase and Madison -