Saturday, July 3, 2010


Paige has got quite a set of lungs on her. When she wants something or someone’s attention, she just squeals…loudly! Jay was in the car with Luke and Paige. Paige was pulling her loud squealing. Luke said to Jay, “daddy, can we turn her off?”

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Love" Clothes

Luke gets virtually all of his clothes from his cousin Chase, lucky for us! Whenever a new something shows up in his drawers, he says "Mommy, who gave this to me." 99% of the time the answer is "Chase gave that to you". He DIGGS the fact that Chase gives him clothes. Loves it! So tonight some new jammies showed up in his drawer. After his bath, he was putting them on and said "Mommy, who gave these to me?" I said, "Chase did Buddy!" He said, "He gives them to me because he loves me, Mommy!"

Kids are so innocent...we'll pull up this post and read it to Luke in X number of years when he starts to resist the hand-me-downs :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Trip Observations:

1. It is Hot and close to the equator. Humid!
2. Very clean city
3. Lots of Shopping
4. More of a British presence than American. We saw few Americans while we were there.
5. Lots and Lots of containers and vessels all over the waterways there – which was obviously why we were there.
6. I saw no dogs and not a lot of kids in either of these cities. We were told people either have none or one child most.

Hong Kong:
1. All of the above but bigger feel
2. They do Not stop for pedestrians. They are very poor drivers, “what lanes!”
3. Also pushy in line, “what lines!”
4. Confirmed that Asians like to take pictures in their own country just as much or more than on vacation.

1. Muslin country so many of the women are covered.
2. Lots of kids
3. And animals
4. Definitely a third world country
5. They all drive scooters. Very common to see a family of 4 or 5 including very young children all crammed on one scooter. No helmets. Some wear them but not all. They also carry large items on their scooters, drive them in the pouring rain, you name it!
6. They get extra long lunch breaks to pray, 90 minutes.

1. At the red lights, they have timers to tell you how many more seconds until the light turns green. Same for green, how many minutes until the light turns red.
2. Families with more than one child gets greatly taxed to the point that they can’t afford to do it. So they either have abortions, give it up for adoption or those living outside of the city just do not register the kids. The child then will not have medical and can never go to school because they are not a registered citizen. It’s pretty sad.
3. Lots of development still to support the world economy
4. Gov has lots of control over people, example, we were told they were not allowed to watch the World Cup games, it is all controlled by Gov.
5. Men there do not cut their fingernails in a timely manner.
6. Lots of people walk around with bare feet!

Hong Kong -

Here are some pics I took of Hong Kong. I'll upload some video I took too, when I get home.

Hong Kong is a beautiful city. Very British, of course since they owned it until recently. Not a great American presence. It is very clean. Lots of shopping…high end shopping. Malls are everywhere. It poured most of the time we were there but we were able to take a tram ride up to Victoria Peak last night. The view from the top was beautiful.


I didn't get many pictures on the trip, not many at all of Singapore. these were taken outside my hotel room...