Monday, September 21, 2009

Cousin's Weekend!!

My cousin’s came to visit me this weekend and stayed OVERNIGHT! I was so excited for my first sleepover. I was walking around all morning talking about all the things I was going to do with Chase-N-Madison, all the toys we were going to play with and how much fun we would have. Did we ever! We went to the playground, had lunch, the zoo, more playground, played at home, ate dinner, had our baths together, did books and stories in my bed, slept together in my room (which was the most fun!), ate breakfast together the next morning, played some more, went bowling, more lunch, played outside some more, and a bunch of other things too! I was so tired by Sunday night I could barley keep it together.

My cousin’s are BIG FUN! I love hangin’ out with them. I hope they come back again real soon!!

The Zoo Crew...

Bedtime book and scary stories - LOVE the "Uncle Jay" stories...

Bowling the next day. Luke lost interest after 2 turns and ran around with the goldfish bag. Madison won (beating out Uncle Jay and Auntie too!)...

Madison was a BIG help with Paige. She helped feed her, buckle her in and out of her car seat, stroll her around and helped her to crawl. She is a great big cousin…

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What I did on my Summer Vacation
By: Marley Peabody

I went outside sometimes, but mostly I just stood by the door and waited for someone to open it. It was the most awesome summer ever!! I can't wait until next year.

The End