Thursday, February 23, 2012

Picture of God?

Luke has always asked a million questions about Jesus and God and heaven, etc..
We can tell he is trying to make sense of it all and to figure it all out in his head. Lately, his questions seem to revolve around what God looks like. These are difficult questions to answer so we usually tell him that our spirit see God in heaven not us. This morning he came downstairs:
He said, "Mommy, my spirit is going to go to heaven but my body will stay on earth"
I said,"Yes buddy"
He said, "So I'm going to tell my spirit to take a picture of God and bring it back to earth so I can see what he looks like. Right Mommy? Then we can all see what he looks like"


Monday, February 20, 2012

Papa's for the long weekend...

We took advantage of the long weekend by heading up to NH for a much needed get away. The kids (all three) love it and it is nice to get away from the everyday "things" we are always doing at home. Not a lot of snow up there which was nice and not unbearably cold...double nice!

Hiking through the woods -

Found some animal tracks -
Yes, everyone is congregating on the lake...a bit weird for me to get into but after a while I kind of forgot we were on frozen water -
The ice fishers showed Luke their catch for the day, the ice bucket -
Back inside and all warmed up, making apple pie with Papa -
Dueling Deere hats -
Not too close -