Friday, October 5, 2012

Dancing...I think???

Any dreams of having a daughter that make it on Broadway are fading very quickly. 
J/K Paige, we love you and your "interesting" dances/performances/whatever you call this.

Field Trip Time!!

Today, Paige had her first field trip.  Since this year she has graduated to the 3 day class they do more...and field trips are one if the things the older class gets to do.  I took a half day at work and went with her class.  We went to a farm in RI for a hayride, pumpkin picking and a snack. 

Pre-game pic.
 Hayride self pic.
 So fun, lots of decorations to look at during our ride.
 Picking the perfect pumpkin.
 The class (minus the tall guy in the back)
 Havin' a snack with her best buddy, Caleb, and mom's glasses.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Around town...

Paige has a field trip through school coming up; they are going to a farm for some fall fun. She came running out of school today and said, "Mommy, I have a field trip at school! But where am I going?” I told her she was going to a farm. To which she said, “Why do they call it a field trip if I am not going to a field?” I had no answer.

Luke was busy packing his toys for our trip to Papa’s farm. Paige was doing her usual endless senseless chatter. Luke said, “PAIGE! I can’t think when you are singing and talking like that so PLEASE STOP, I need to concentrate on the project that I am working on PAIGE!” I’m pretty sure Paige wasn’t able to hear him over her singing….

Our babysitter, Angie, tends to forget things when she leave the house at the end of the day.  I'd say 50% of the time she comes back in to grab her keys, coffee cup, glasses, etc...  Today, after Angie left, Paige said, "I wonder what Angie forgetted today?!"  HA HA! 

Paige was sitting on my lap looking at a cartoon bear in some magazine.  She said, "this is a girl bear, I know because she has those things." (as she makes a sweeping gesture around her eye)  She is talking about eye lashes.  To distinguish girls from boys often the girl version, as we all know, will have longer thicker eyelashes.  She said, "That bear is very pretty.  We (meaning the two of us) are not pretty because we are girls but we don't have those things (another sweeping gesture).  At least I now know this about myself!  I'm calling about fake lashes tomorrow....

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Just Paige.....

I'm cleaning out the pics on my phone.  I have SO many pictures of Paige.  All are pictures that Angie took.  Since she has Paige almost exclusively these days, they are all of just Paige...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Just another day at the farm...

Do the animals go running when they see the likes of these kids? 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead????

No, no, we weren't reenacting the opening scenes of Oz, this was where Luke slept Friday night.  He built himself a nice little tent and decided that he wanted to sleep in it all night.  I thought for sure this wouldn't last an hour but he went right to bed - didn't make a peep.  He did come up twice in the middle of the night and ask me what time it was and after hearing the answer said, "I'm going back to sleep in my camp" and that was that.  Can't imagine it was comfortable but sometimes you gotta trade comfort for style.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fall Fair Weekend in NH -

This year's fall fair weekend in NH was extra special because Kel and the kids came up as well as Grampy!  The whole gang was there.  Kids loved hangin' out with the cousins, of course.  Weather wasn't great but it didn't rain on us which was good.  
Trying to get a good shot of the 4 of them.

Petting zoo.

 In the market for some farm machinery??
 Paige found this ghost headband at Papa's and proceeded to wear it the rest of the weekend, including car rides and on Sunday when we went out to dinner for Nana's birthday.  I've already had to super glue it twice since last weekend.