Saturday, July 14, 2012


Today, Luke finished 2 weeks of sailing camp at the NBYC (New Bedford Yacht Club) right down the street from us in the center of the village. 

He loved it!  From day one, he was so excited to go every day.  By the end of week one, he was using "sailor speak".  One of the days it was rainy so they played games and taught the kids all the terminology.  He officially knows more than I do about sailing.

Here are some pics the instructors sent.  All college kids run the program.  Spending your days on the water...not a bad camp to go to!!!

The last day with ALL the classes.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Thursday was pirate day at sailing camp.  The kids were to dress up, the camp was decked in pirate themed decorations, the instructors planned a treasure hunt and a lot more!  So we got our pirate gear ready and promptly got a fever and couldn't make it to pirate day :(  BUT we did get pictures in our cool costume.  Poor Luke...but he was back in action on Friday for his last day of camp.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pit Stop -

On our way home from Ohio we stopped off in Hershey, PA to visit our friends.  We always have a great time and this visit was no different, except that we were lucky enough to have the Baldwin's join the gang (a girl for Paige to hang out with!!).  The kids get so excited to see Cooper and Brandt since they are all now good buds...vacation buddies!

Looks like Paige has had enough of the car -

 Finally there, havin' bfast with our friends -

Then it was off to the lake to combat the heat that followed up from Ohio to PA.  Paige and Brandt were too cute holding hands -
 Equally as good of friends, but not as touchy feely as Ms. Paige and Mr. Brandt.  Cooper let Luke bring his "big bag of snakes" so Luke was SUPER excited to put them to good use in the lake -
 Jay enjoyed doing flips off the floating dock...with all the 20 somethings -
 Snack break -
 Still holding hands on the way out, we gotta watch these two -
 Post dinner wind down and rehash -

Sunday, July 8, 2012


We had another fun trip to Ohio for the July 4th week.  Very hot but it didn't seem to slow the kids down too much.  We managed it well with lots of water time!! 

Fishing at the pond.  Didn't last long, too hot and not enough biting for the kids to keep interest...

Lots of visitors that week.  My cousin came on Sunday with his three kids. Paige was loving having girls to hang out with for the day.  We broke out the slip n slide and the sprinkle which became staples the whole week...

Girls dancing for us all...

We headed to the Columbus Zoo first chance we got. The kids (especially Luke, our animal lover) always look forward to it...

Our first time at the Gahanna 4th of July parade. LOTS of candy, which Luke loved....

Jay - playing the part of the Midwest dad, very well I may add....
 Kids didn't sleep together by design but often ended up together...
 Grandpa and Paige....

To get out of the heat, we went to COSI one day - the children's science museum in downtown Columbus.  Another fav for the kids...
 Water fun!

 Learned all about the animals and got to touch some...
Creekside for bfast on our last day and feeding the ducks...

Lots of time at the pool.  Kids LOVED it.  Didn't understand the concept of "adult swim" every hour on the hour but soon caught on.  Gotta learn the rules of the swim clubs kids....