Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Day...

Lots of snow today. I had fun making a snowman with my babysitter, Sam. But everytime we put carrots for the snowman's nose, Marley ate them...


For months now we’ve gotten into the routine of calling daddy at work after we eat dinner. Luke looks forward to his daily call with daddy and always reminds me if I forget, “mommy, we have to call daddy now”. Luke asked Jay a while back, “when you coming home, daddy?” Jay said, “I have to finish up some stuff and I’ll be home buddy” So Luke started asking Jay “are you working on your stuff, daddy?”
In the last couple weeks we’ve gone into Jay’s work to meet him for dinner after our music class. He has files ALL over his office. We explained to Luke that this was the “stuff” he works on. After dinner, Jay goes back to work and we go home. Luke asked what daddy was doing at work, I explain to Luke that at the end of the night daddy has to clean up his office and put all his “stuff” away, just like you have to clean up your toys after you are finished playing. Luke was VERY interested in this concept and wanted to know exactly where the stuff was going to go and was he going to be getting it all back out again in the morning.
Now when Luke asks when Jay is coming home he says “he is putting his stuff away mommy, he’ll be home after”

Friday, February 12, 2010

Street SignO

No joke. This is the name of a street that I pass every time I take Luke to school...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Conversation with a JUST 3 year old....

Luke: Mommy I want to have a fruit snack.
Mommy: No buddy, it is breakfast time.
Luke: Why you say no to me mommy?
Mommy: Because buddy, it is time to eat your breakfast. Those are for snack.
Luke: Everyone is having one, Mommy.
Mommy: If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?
Luke: A bridge?
Mommy: Yes, buddy. Would you jump off a bridge if all your friends did?
Luke: My friends didn’t jump off the bridge, they would get wet. That would be silly. I would need my gobbles (AKA goggles to the general public) if I went into the water. My gobbles would get wet. I don’t want my gobbles to get wet mommy.

A minute later…..

Luke: Mommy, can I have a fruit snack with my gobbles?

Snow Day

The snow is coming down today. We're having a REAL at home snow day. What do we do on a snowy day like today???

We take long naps (under the kitchen table) -

We watch the snow come down from the comforts of the nice warm house -

We take extra long baths -

We wash dishes -

We make Valentine treats for school -


Jacob is my best friend. He lives on the next street over. We’ve been friends since we moved here. We love to hang out and more importantly get in trouble together. We started school together in September where we give the teachers a run for their money. We love to wrestle, especially during circle time which is a big no-no and usually gets us separated. We also play at playgroup and sometimes, have pizza parties together. In the summer we go to the beach, park, zoo, you name it!

At nighttime during prayers, mommy talks about all the things we are thankful for that happened that day. I’ve started doing my own version of the prayers when she is done. It usually goes like this “I play with Jacob and I have fun with Jacob and I am thankful for Jacob, Amen.” Even on days I don’t see Jacob, this is what I say.

Jacob is on vacation right now. My babysitter, Angie, is also on vacation right now. I deduced that they are on vacation together which strikes me as odd considering I’ve never noticed that they were even friends. Oh well. I can’t wait for Jacob to get back from vacation.

We play at the playground together -

We take swim class together -

We hang out "beachside" together -

We dress up for halloween together -

and do school performances -

We go see santa at the firehouse together -

We go to baseball games together -