Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Conversation with a JUST 3 year old....

Luke: Mommy I want to have a fruit snack.
Mommy: No buddy, it is breakfast time.
Luke: Why you say no to me mommy?
Mommy: Because buddy, it is time to eat your breakfast. Those are for snack.
Luke: Everyone is having one, Mommy.
Mommy: If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?
Luke: A bridge?
Mommy: Yes, buddy. Would you jump off a bridge if all your friends did?
Luke: My friends didn’t jump off the bridge, they would get wet. That would be silly. I would need my gobbles (AKA goggles to the general public) if I went into the water. My gobbles would get wet. I don’t want my gobbles to get wet mommy.

A minute later…..

Luke: Mommy, can I have a fruit snack with my gobbles?

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