Saturday, January 22, 2011

CLP Birthday Party

We celebrated Chase-Luke-Paige's birthday on Saturday. We were happy everyone came down to our house to celebrate. Good time, not much more to say. Here are some pics...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

This is Paige’s tattoo. She loves Hello Kitty. She LOVES her tattoo. Looks at it all the time, always wants her shirt sleeve pulled up. When I change her clothes, she is fast to look at it to make sure it is still there, you know…and didn’t come off on her shirt. She DOES not like it when you touch her tattoo. She says “no touch that!” She also doesn’t want to take a bath because she is afraid it will come off.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Someone is Four Years Old!!!

Can't believe it. Luke is four! This is the first year we've done a kids party. I somehow got away with just a family party in the past but this year Luke was having none of that. He wanted a party with his friends, at home and on his birthday. Very specific little birthday man. We kept it small, just invited a few of his friends. I had someone come and do balloon animals and glitter tattoos for the kids. It was good entertainment and made it a bit more special. Luke loved it!! The Setup - Getting tattoos - On to balloon animals - Dueling Spidey - The Happy Birthday Boy - Happy Birthday - Yum...cupcakes - Opening presents -


We celebrated Luke's birthday in the morning, just us. Luke loved his horses from Grandma and Grandpa and his LAX sticks, soccer ball and goal from us. When Paige woke up in the morning, I reminder her it was Luke's birthday. She walked into our room and gave him the best rendition of the HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONG. It was so cute. I didn't capture it on video but did get this one later that you can see, Luke was very appreciative of his sister's serenade...NOT!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Lots of snow means lots of time inside. What have we been doing to pass the time so far this winter??
Abusing the dog - Putting on our best party dresses, just to see if they still fit - Taking lots of naps, in odd places around the house - Resort to watching the fish swim around his bowl -
Doing LOTS and LOTS of dishes -
Watch shows on Animal Planet about a South African Snake Hunter guy and do reenactments -

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Goofball the First and Goodball the Second

SNOW SNOW SNOW!! We've been getting a good amount of snow the past couple weeks. Lucky for us, it is good snowman making snow. We love going out first thing and making a good big snowman. Luke named him Goofball, although Paige still calls him Frosty. Marley eats his nose within seconds of us going to be expected. Although we did find that Goofball the second was too tall for Marley to reach..until his melted down a bit, then marley de-nosed him as soon as he could.

Having our FIRST experiences with hot chocolate. I hadn't given it to them before. Both were weary at first. Luke said, "why is my chocolate milk hot". Paige just kept saying "COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE!!!" Oh boy, she is her Daddy's daughter.