Friday, May 18, 2012


Luke had this big idea that we were going to catch butterflies today.  So he created a "home" for them in a bucket and pulled out 2 nets.  The kids wandered around the yard for a while looking until Paige got bored and said "Mommy, I caught myself...aaahhhh I caught myself"

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What I want to be when I am grown up -

Luke - has wanted to be the same thing for about 9 months now.  When he grows up, Luke is going to be a firefighter who ONLY saves the animals.  Don't compare this job to a fire/park ranger.  He has made it clear that this is not what he is going to be.  He will have a spotted dog (dalmatian).  I have stopped short of asking if he will step over people in an effort to rescue animals because I'm worried at the answer I might get.

Paige - has been fairly consistent too but throws a new profession out there once in a while.  The majority of the time you ask her what she wants to be when she grows up, she will tell you that she is going to be a doctor that ONLY helps princesses.  She has recently opened that up to fairies but that is where she draws the line.  Again, we are left to assume that a commoner who may wonder into her clinic would be abruptly turned away.  Paige is also considering professions in modeling - so she can wear make-up and becoming a princess ballerina.

Jay and I are still not sure what we want to be when we grow up.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day -

Just getting back from our trip, Sunday was a low key day for us.  The kids slept in since they were so tired from gift.  We spent the day getting stuff done around the house and outside.  We had lunch outside on the deck.  The kids reflected on their favorite things about mommy.  I love mommy because she:
makes really good cheese sandwiches
makes carrots for us
gives us cheese sticks
makes yummy lemonade (clearly we should have asked these questions outside of feeding time because the list went on...)

There may have been a few non-food related ones thrown in there but I won't lie, I was having a hard time differentiating myself from a hired cook/cleaner/maid.

Love you guys too!  I couldn't ask for a better family!

Paige made me some special gifts from school.  She was quick to point out that you "CAN NOT put lip gloss in this purse.  It is not that kind of purse. This one is for decoration" Thanks for the heads up Paige.