Saturday, March 15, 2014


Ali is affectionately referred to by Jay and I as Don, as in Don Zimmer the former Yankee's Manager.  Early on, Jay suggested that she might look a bit like him so after googling him and once we both stopped laughing, we decided that sadly it was true.  It stuck and now I would say 50% of the time we lovingly refer to her as Don.

Sorry Ali, if you are reading this when you are all grown up and I'm in the nursing home, don't visit me any less!! Just know your mom and dad has a good sense of humor.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Girl Power -

We were at dinner the other night talking about something, I actually forget the topic, and Luke was asking questions something about the MAN that took care of something for us.  I said, “How do you know it was a man that would do that?”  He looked alarmingly at me and said, “well a women can’t do all the things because a women can’t be president”  That’s when I launched into my feminist speech to which Luke said, “well I know there are things that women can’t do that guys can do.”  He thought a minute and said, “I know! Wrestle polar bears!!! Women can’t wrestle polar bears, right mommy!”  To which I said, “You are right in that a women would never wrestle a polar bear but not because they CAN’T but because they are smart enough not to.  Men on the other hand….well, you’ve seen some of the things they wrestle on those animal shows.  Enough said”  Luke said, “Oh yeah. Why did god make all the girls smarter than the boys?  Like all the girls in my class are smart and get their spelling tests right and read really REALLY good!  The boys in my class aren’t as good at that stuff.  And for Class Dojo*, the girls NEVER get negative points and the boys do.”  “See Luke” I said, “now you are catching on.  Don’t count girls out, we are smart cookies!”

*Class Dojo is a behavior type system that our teacher uses.  The kids get positive and negative points throughout the day for good/bad behaviors and have a running weekly percentage.  It is pretty cool. So Jay and I can follow along with how Luke is doing on the website or better yet we downloaded the app to our phones and can click a couple times a day to see how he is doing.  Each night we can have a talk about the positives and negatives.

Luke is not a huge fan of homework. It is much like pulling teeth to get him to sit down and do his homework at night.  The other night, while sitting down to do his homework, Luke said, “Who invented homework because I really wish they didn’t do that.  I wish they would have invented something different than homework, something cooler.  I REALLY wish they thought of something else to invent.”