Saturday, June 15, 2013

Welcome Home Marley -

After a month chillaxing in NH on Papa's farm, Marley Man is FINALLY coming home.  Jay went up to get him and the kids were excited to see him...kind of. I was trying to amp them up.  Paige drew a picture for him and thought he should have some treats. 
We missed him, our Marley Man.  We did not miss the dog hair, endless cleaning, swiping food from counter tops, and worrying about dog poops.  We did miss our family dog.  I would like to think the feeling was mutual but he looks a tad depressed and walked around aimlessly yesterday crying for no reason.  I guess when you consider the life he left: acres to run, pond to swim in, hangin' with his two very fun and adventurous cousins, and lots of horse poops to eat....who can blame him!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Paige's Graduation from Children's Circle -

Paige graduated from preschool today.  They basically "graduate" every year.  This was our fourth Children's Circle Graduation between Luke and Paige.  Knowing there is little chance she will make it another year here it really kind of was our last graduation, so sad! 
Keeping with tradition, the 3 day class did a play.  This year it was based on the Frog and Toad series books.  It could have been because I was alone in the audience for the first year with no kid, and therefore no distractions, OR the fact that I actually had a kid in the play for the first time but I thought this was the best I'd seen.  They also do some songs and a slide show of pictures throughout the year.  All this followed by a picnic!


Thursday, June 13, 2013


Please Luke do tell how you managed this mess in your lunch bag???

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Luke playing in his spring hockey in Taunton.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Gymnastics Finale!

Today, Paige had her gymnastics show.  We call it gymnastics mainly because this is what Paige insists we call it because it is at the gymnastics place but it really is creative movement with ballet and tap.  After last year's experience in the real deal studio, we decided to dial it down a bit this year.  She has been coming to this class since January.  It is pretty low key.  Every Tuesday at 10AM the kids just have fun and dance to Disney tunes while learning a bit of the basics.  The best part was no big show or costume at the end of the season just this quick little show.
They did one ballet song and one tap -

They also did a little awards show and Paige was SO thrilled with herself that she got her first trophy!  She called daddy as soon as we got to the car saying, "Daddy is going to be so proud of my trophy" She also mentioned that she though her trophy was bigger than the one Luke has :)
Her class with their teacher Ms. Jess -