Friday, May 14, 2010

Paige Peabody AKA "Sandy Beach"

We found out this week that Paige LOVES the sand and the beach. Last year, she was so little and immobile, she wasn't exposed too much. Each day we went to the beach, it took her about 15 seconds to get completely covered in sand and stay that way the rest of the day. She LOVED it. LOVED eating her cheerios, raisins, apples and everything else dipped in sand. Fist fulls of sand in her mouth. Drinks mixed with sand. We'll be finding sand in between her toes and in her ears for weeks to come!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Our "Nice" Dinner Out -

We ate most of our meals at the house. We took full advantage of the full kitchen and dining area. Most nights we fed, bathed and put the kids to bed then the adults grilled out and drank wine/beer. We did venture out to dinner a couple nights. One night we went to the main resort area - The Sanctuary - for dinner and a walk around the grounds. BEAUTIFUL hotel! The kids were all very good at dinner until the waiter gave them each a sugar pop. Luke had downed his in minutes. I estimate there was about 2 cups of sugar in his system and it showed. He was literally running around the hotel and rolling around the grounds. Lucky for us, this is a very kid friendly resort. Kids everywhere!

Our Kaiwah Friends -

Every day as we rode our bikes to the beach, pool, dinner, ice cream, you name it - we crossed a marsh area with the same alligator, turtles, and birds. The kids loved looking out for their new friends every time we passed over the bridge. The alligator was mostly in one spot usually just eyes showing) and the turtles were always sun bathing on the log. Much more fun of a commute every day then the highways back home :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Trip to the Pool -

The resort has a great pool. We hit it up early in the week. The kids LOVED it...

Trip to the Nature Center -

There is a great little nature center right here at the resort. They have turtles, baby alligators, snakes, bunnies, you name it! The kids loved it. Paige loved the crabs and Luke loved the alligators.

Two of a Kind..

How ironic, how cute! Luke and Brandt have the same PJs!!

Playing on the Porch -

The house we rented has a screened in back porch. We didn't think much of it when we booked the place but it has become the FAVORITE room for the kids to play. We SO wish we had one of these back home. They love to throw the beach balls around, play in the coolers, run around, and even eat ice cream. First thing in the morning and last call at night is usually on the porch. The ONE problem we ran into with this room is that apparently Luke thinks it is more outside than in because we caught him peeing right on the wood floor...Poor Cooper and Brandt were horrified.

Trip to Charleston -

On day two, we headed to Charleston for the day. It is about 45 min from Kaiwah, where we were staying. I managed to lose my camera for the majority of the day but luckily did get it back before we left so don't have any good pics of the beautiful city. We took a horsedrawn carriage ride around the historic city area. It was VERY cute and the kids loved it. We walked through the open markets and finished the day by having seafood at a resturant there in the city. A really fun day, the kids were DONE by the end of the day. No naps all day and lots of excitment. They were all very good all day :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

First Romp at the Beach -

We made our maiden trip to the beach on the first afternoon of our week stay. The kids loved it...a little too much! We made the mistake of taking them in their clothes. Luke was "ALL IN". Paige wasn't doing much better. We quickly learned that we will stick to all bathing suits at the beach, no matter the time of day.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Our BIKE week -

Our main way to get around the island during the week was our rented bikes and trailer. The kids loved it!! We biked to the beach, dinner, pool, park, you name it! The guys called them "the hogs", "the rickshaws", and many others...