Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Prep -

We have been very busy getting ready for the grand bunny's arrival.  Lots of Easter prep! 

Easter party with the 5 families, complete with an egg hunt -

 Paige was able to sneak in with the little kids -

 The big kids had their own -
 We were not done yet, after party #1, we went to Nana's for more Easter festivities.  Not a lot of kids = more balloon animals and many many eggs for the egg hunt -
 Paige got her face painted, Luke got a hand tattoo -
 Thanks Nana for a wonderful day!
 Back home to color eggs -

For Paige's Easter party at school, she and I made Rice Krispie Easter egg treats -

Just when we thought we couldn't have any more Easter fun, we went to our friend's house for a great big good old Easter party/egg hunt/farm animal petting/pizza and cupcake eating/running around fun time.
There were a million eggs and half a million kids -
Traveling petting zoo with goats, chicks, bunnies, etc..

Someones maternal instinct kicked in.  I think the lady finally had to ask for her bunny back -

 The madness -

Checking out the goods, post-hunt -
Re-fueling -

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Another Wacky Wednesday -

Just some animals in line for a drink -

Luke and I saw a picture of the Coliseum in a magazine when we were waiting to get our hair cut.  I explained a little about it and why they built it.  Luke came home and built his own Coliseum.  He had a road for the animals to come in, get checked in and then go into the arena.  There was also a spot for the people to sit and watch, the animal holding area (we were careful not to mix animals that didn't get along), and of course a road for the animals to walk back to their holding areas.  Luke builds things like this all the time, just happened to snap a pic of this one.

As much as I can say about the last picture, I've got no idea -

I went into Paige's room after she went to bed.  This is what I found on the floor -

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Science Fair - Kindergarten Style

This week was the kindergarten science fair at St. Phils.  Each little student got an assignment and had a week to work on their experiment.  They created a backboard, just like a "real" science fair.  Luke's was fresh water vs. salt water, the density of water.  His experiment was to drop an egg in each fresh and salt water to see if one floated. He kept adding salt until the egg floated. 
Working hard at home.  Recording his results -
Ready for prime time -
On Tuesday, they were able to showcase their experiments for the parents and the other grades, or as Luke would say "the BIG kids".
Nathanial, Charlotte and Luke looking so proud -
 Here he is, ready to explain his experiment to any passerbyers -
 Daddy and I learned a thing or two while we were there -
 Charlotte had a crowd for her touch and feel experiment -
 The kids all did great.  It was really the cutest thing.  Very grown-up stuff for kindergarten. I think I was coloring and cutting things out in kindergarten -
Can you guess who photo-bombed one of the pictures in the weekly newsletter -