Thursday, June 18, 2009

284 times a charm....

I read that if your toddler doesn’t take to a certain food right away then try try again. It could take up to 10 times before your toddler warms up.

Getting Luke to eat veggies has always been a challenge. He just doesn’t eat them. But I continue to try….and try…and try…. At least 3 times a week, I’ll make some veggies with his dinner and have been doing this for a good year. I’ve tried six ways to sideways to get him to eat them…butter…cheese…special bowls, playing airplane or promises of a yummy dessert. I kept telling myself that one of these days he is going to eat them. I’m happy to report that day was today! To my complete astonishment, Luke, completely unprovoked, decided to pick up his fork and eat the entire bowl of veggies I’d made for him. He didn’t say a word and neither did Mommy….I’m hoping it happens again tomorrow but won’t hold my breath.

Moral of the story: For the textbook toddler 10 times may be all it takes, for Luke it is more like 280 times. I never claimed Luke was a textbook toddler…we all know that :)