Thursday, November 6, 2014

Congrats Daddy - Manchester NH Marathon!!!

We are so proud of Jay and Kelly for finishing the Manchester, NH marathon on Sunday.  We were very sad that we were not able to be there to cheer them on!  Luke had CCD and Ali girl was very very sick at home with a high fever all weekend. 
The kids did make some signs and decorated the doorway for daddy when he came home.
Hard at work -
Finished product -
Pics from the race....

Sorry sap, Ali -

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Santa knows me....

Paige already has a laundry list of things she wants for Christmas.  She has been crafting her list for months.  Luke on the other hand doesn't say a word.  I asked him last night as they were pouring through the new catalogs that came in the mail, "Luke, what do you want Santa to bring you for Christmas this year.  You should start thinking about it."  He said, "No, Santa knows what I like."

No pressure!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy Movember!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Luke's First Year of Football -

Luke finished his first year of mites (I team) Pop Werner football in Holliston with a record of 5-3.  Luke has been wanting to play football for a while now.  He really liked it.  It was definitely a time commitment.  During the month of August, Luke had 4 practices a week.  Once school started it went down to 3 practices a week & game on Sunday. They also had a pep rally, 2 weigh-ins, 4 team dinners, end of the year party and trophy ceremony. Needless to say, we were busy this fall but it was so fun watching his games every week. 
At this age they play offence and defense.  Luke was on the O line and a defense tackle.  He played on special teams a couple games too.  The team was made up of 2-4th graders.  I think Luke is excited to be one of the older kids next year.  Definitely mom's most fun sport to watch Luke play.
Here are some pics throughout the season....





The trophy presentation ceremony -