Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pit Stop -

On our way home from Ohio we stopped off in Hershey, PA to visit our friends.  We always have a great time and this visit was no different, except that we were lucky enough to have the Baldwin's join the gang (a girl for Paige to hang out with!!).  The kids get so excited to see Cooper and Brandt since they are all now good buds...vacation buddies!

Looks like Paige has had enough of the car -

 Finally there, havin' bfast with our friends -

Then it was off to the lake to combat the heat that followed up from Ohio to PA.  Paige and Brandt were too cute holding hands -
 Equally as good of friends, but not as touchy feely as Ms. Paige and Mr. Brandt.  Cooper let Luke bring his "big bag of snakes" so Luke was SUPER excited to put them to good use in the lake -
 Jay enjoyed doing flips off the floating dock...with all the 20 somethings -
 Snack break -
 Still holding hands on the way out, we gotta watch these two -
 Post dinner wind down and rehash -

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