Wednesday, September 7, 2011

RIP: Blue Peabody

Blue Peabody II
Born: 2/2010
Expired: 9/2011

Blue, what can we say. You had big fins to fill coming into our family. We, successfully, passed you off to the kids as Blue I. You did a great job playing the part. You outlived Blue I by a year and a half...not a difficult task seeing that Blue I lasted one month.

You were a good little Betta. When their were fights in the house over who was going to feed Marley, offering Blue up as an alt pet to feed always settled the score.

You were a lazy little fish. I pronounced you dead a few times, convinced that fish don't just lay on the rocks like that...but you did, like nothing I've seen.

You put up with fingers and toys being thrust in your bowl, not to mention living day in and day out with a giant orange plastic fish in your bowl.

We will miss you Blue Peabody II.

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