Saturday, January 16, 2010

What is going on with me?

Walking update - I can take 4 or 5 steps at a time but am by no means "walking" yet.

One super cute thing I've taken to doing is when I drop something I get a big smile on my face and say "UH OH!" I love to do this. It is my favorite game to play. Everyone seems to think I'm SO CUTE too!!

I also LOVE music. We started music class this week. I was a little thing the last time we took it so I usually stayed in the bucket seat but this time I'm right there boppin' to the music with the rest of them. LOVE IT!!

I'm talking up a storm too! Angie, my babysitter, swears "Angie" was my first word. I do say something that resembles it...but only because she worked with me on saying that word all day every day for weeks :)
I can also say what is starting to sound like: HI, MOMMA, DADDA, NANA
Not only am I super cute, but I’m smart too! At least this is what the big people tell me. I only eat food that I can pickup myself, no more of that spoon fed business. I am so good about taking my sippy cup and am not overly addicted to my binky, only at naps/bed. I am starting to take a great liking to my blankie…just like my brother…can help it if my Mimi makes the best blankie in the world?!

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