Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ray Donald

Now that Luke can open doors on his own (a milestone we were dreading), he had taken to coming downstairs by himself in the mornings, rifling through the cabinets until he finds a suitable breakfast item. Suitable to a 3 year old means: animal cookies, chips, gummy bears, peanuts, and pretty much anything else NOT on the approved breakfast list published by the mommy. He brings his bowl and “breakfast” item upstairs and thrusts it into our faces, waking us from our nice, peaceful sleeps. This all is happening at 630am I should mention. We are less than thrilled with this new routine.

Luke talks…nonstop. Which is funny because sometimes when I’m talking he says “Mom STOP TALKING!” as if I’m the one with the endless chatter all day long. He doesn’t ask “When is daddy coming home”. He says “When is my daddy named Jay Ronald with the brown hair coming home from work”. I guess this is so I don’t confuse him with the OTHER daddy named Ray Donald with the blonde hair???
He is a funny funny kid!! All the talking means many cute conversations. I’ll try to remember and post some of the funnier ones.

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