Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"Who bought her?"

Since Christmas when Luke was getting presents from different people, he has been VERY interested in where everything comes from. He has been asking about all of his toys, clothes, shoes, coat, hat. You name it and Luke wants to know where it came from. About a month after Christmas, we moved from asking about his items to everyday “stuff”; milk, eggs, bread, and any kind of food was first. He started to get the concept of buying something instead of someone giving it to him. So then moved on to “where did we buy it” and started assuming everything had its own store. We bought eggs at the egg store and milk at the milk store. He’s caught on a bit and started using the grocery store for all food items but everything else, socks, diapers, etc. are still purchased at the socks store or the diaper store. It is an evolution. Months into this whole thing he STILL asks where everything comes from. Over and over he wants to know where his coat came from and if you say the wrong thing, he WILL correct you.
Today, we went in to get Paige from her nap. He says, “Mommy, who bought Paige for us?” I said, “We didn’t buy Paige honey, mommy and daddy had her. We made her”. He said, “But what store did she come from?” Again, I explained that she didn’t come from a store. Then he said, “She came from the baby store, mommy” End of story. He figured it out in his head and the topic was over. Onto the next thing. “Mommy what are we having for lunch”.

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