Thursday, March 4, 2010

Trading Up -

Luke has noticed the trend of trading up going on in the house lately. A few weeks ago we got a new refrigerator and stove. We went through endless questions at the time as to why we were getting new ones, etc. Yesterday, they delivered our new dishwasher. Again, more questions as to why we were getting a new one. I explained that the other one was getting too old and it was going to be taken away. Later that day, Luke asked when we were going to be getting a new microwave. I told him that our microwave was almost brand new so we wouldn’t be getting a new one. We were only replacing the things that were old. Last night as I was putting Paige to bed, Luke settled into his routine of playing on the floor as I gave Paige her bottle. He said to me, “Mommy, can we trade Paige in for a new baby?” Trying not to laugh, I said “OH NO buddy, we like Paige. Why would we want a new one?” Pleading his case, he continued to explain that she was getting too “old” and that we needed a new baby.
He definitely notices how big, or old, Paige is getting. He will say to me on a fairly regular basis. “Mommy, Paige-y is growing big!” The fact that she walks now is HUGE. He bangs on her less and less and treats her more like a person and less like a drum :)

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