Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pull it together please....

We’ve been working on our manners here at the Peabody house. Before Luke gets up from eating, I’ve “trained” him to say “May I please get up, mommy”. When two adults are talking he says “excuse me”, loudly and gets louder and louder and repeats until someone acknowledges him. We are working on refining that one a bit. When he asks for something, I’m working on starting with a “May I please have…”. Basically, we are working on all the usual manner for his age.
Today, we were getting ready to go out and run some errands. Luke was on the verge of a meltdown about something and I told him that he “needed to pull it together if he wanted to go out”. He said back to me, “you need to pull it together mommy”. I looked at him and said with that you said something wrong look, “what did you say to me?” He looked at me and said “May you please pull it together, mommy?”
I first thought he was bring fresh by telling me to pull it together but then kept saying, “I don’t know how to pull it together. Will you pull it together for me, mommy?” I tried to blow it off because how do you explain figures of speech to a 3 year old but he was having no part of that. I finally had to say, “OK buddy, I just pulled it all together, we are fine now. Let’s go to Target.”
All was OK again at home.

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