Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My Snowman Experience

New Year’s Eve – Grandma and Grandpa came from Ohio to visit and meet my new little sister. It was snowing all day so around 3pm mommy decided we could go out in the snow to play and make a snowman. I like snowmen, this sounded like a good idea to me. It took mommy 20minutes to get me all bundled up in my snow gear. I was ready to go!! one told me it was going to be cold and windy out. As soon as mommy plopped me down in the snow, I knew this was probably not a good idea and I let everyone know by crying immediately upon contact with the snow. Grandpa, mommy and Marley managed to keep me outside long enough to make a small snowman before I’d had enough! I think this may be a long winter :(

I’ve decided that I am DEFINITELY a summer, beach baby!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Thanks Santa!

Since my sister just came home from the hospital yesterday, mommy and daddy says we will stay home for Christmas this year. I was bummed not being able to spend it with cousin Chase and Madison BUT when I woke up in the morning and saw what Santa brought me I felt much better! First I got a big train table all put together in the basement complete with a couple Thomas trains to unwrap under the tree. AND I also got a big house like Alana has in her basement!! I can’t wait to play with all my toys….

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

First Family Photo!!

Here we are...first photo opportunity, literally right from the hospital!!

Introducing Paige Alyson Peabody…

Born 12/22/2008 @ 2:21AM
20.5 inches

My Sister is FINALLY here!!

After months of talks about getting a new sister, mine has FINALLY come! Mommy and Daddy went to the hospital in the middle of the night (I’m not sure why they chose such an inopportune time seeing I was sound asleep when they put me in the car.) Mimi took me to her house. The next day, I went to the hospital to visit and there she was!!! I will admit, I was a bit more enamored with the graham crackers mommy had for me than with my litter sister but that’s only because she wasn’t doing anything…just sleeping. Come to think of it, that’s pretty much all she does these days…lots of sleeping. Mommy says she has to grow and will be ready to play with me in a few months. That’s kind of a long time. I check in on here once in a while but other than that life hasn’t changed too much for me.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


The day is finally here ;) Today we moved into our new house. Mommy’s friend Anne, Mommy and I all went over in the morning to direct the movers. I did a fantastic job helping out. I LOVED running up and down the ramp to the truck. No one liked this much but I thought it was big fun!! I also enjoyed running through the house and jumping on the wrapped couches. I can’t wait until all my stuff is moved into my new room!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Following in Daddy’s Footsteps –

I want to be JUST LIKE MY DADDY. Can you tell???

Monday, December 8, 2008


If you remember back from last year, I never actually saw Santa Clause. We went to the mall for me to sit on his lap and he was going on break, HA! So we thought we would try again this year. We went to Falmouth Harbor Saturday and watched Santa come in by boat. It was fun. Lots of kids there. I really enjoyed myself and thought I was really getting into this Santa thing….UNTIL….We went to my friend Will’s house Sunday for the annual Christmas party with my mom group friends. I was having a great time UNTIL Santa walked through the door. I don’t know if being in a confined space with him scared me or what but I completely freaked!! AND the worse part was that my daddy was missing the entire time Santa was there. He missed the whole thing. Mom was going to take me this week to get my picture with Santa but we may revisit those plans. I’m not sure I’m ready for Santa this year!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Saint Nick's Day!

Mommy grew up with a German tradition called Saint Nick's Day. It is Dec 5th. Santa...or St. Nick, comes and fills your stocking with fun toys and candy! Since we really didn't have any Christmas stuff out this year (my stocking was packing away!) we celebrated in the form of little gifts instead. I got a set of three different balls AND Grandma and Grandpa sent me a care package. I sure am glad I am German and get to celebrate this big fun holiday!!! You can also catch a glimps of our SWEET christmas tree mommy and I picked up at Walmart - $18.99, lights included!! :)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Shoe in the Vent....

Today we went to our new house to check things out. Mommy and Daddy seemed happy with how things looked...if you ask me the place was a mess, much more of a mess then when we bought it. Carpet was gone, lighting was kind of all over the place and wood pieces. I got bored so I took off one of my basketball shoes (my crocs) and threw it down the vent. he he!! I thought this was funny. No one else seemed to. What I didn't seem to realize is that I can't get it back :( Those were my favorite shoes!!! At least I left my mark!!!

Just Chillin' in My Jammies...

Living at Mimi's place on the Cape is nice and relaxing! I'm very chilled out there. Can you tell???

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!!!

We went to my cousin's house for Thanksgiving on Thursday!! It was big fun. As soon as we got there Madison announced "come on in, we have a big chicken cooking for you!!". She was right. I've never seen a bigger bird! More fun was playing with Chase and Madison. But poor chase was sick. He coughed on the couch most of the night :( I was told this holiday centers around the food but when they put the nice spread on my plate (turkey, potatoes, stuffing, etc..) I took one look and asked for "APPLESAUCE-A". This is my FAVORITE. I ask for it at least once..mostly two or three times a day!! Hope everyone else had a good Tgiving too!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

We aren’t homeless anymore!!!

Last Friday we bought a new house!! We all (including me but not Marley) went to daddy’s work, signed a few (hundred) papers and they gave us the keys! So easy!! Then we went by to check it out. It was empty. Mom and Dad showed me where my room will be. I hope I get the furniture from my old room put in there, that would be nice!! They also showed me where my sister will sleep. I’m still not sure when she is coming but they are talking about her more and more lately, asking if “I’m going to be the good big brother”. I usually nod, they like that. I am not sure why we are still at Mimi’s on the cape if we bought a house but Mom and Dad said we will be living there soon!! Here's a picture of my new diggs....

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I think my parents have officially lost it. I know we have a lot going on with the move and all BUT….last night we went to my cousin’s house. Mom and Dad dressed me up in a weird outfit, I looked like a Lion. Then they handed me a plastic pumpkin bucket and we walked around the neighborhood asking for candy. Very strange!! Even more strange was all the other kids out there doing the same thing, all dressed up as different things. Even my cousins were dressed. Madison was Tinkerbell and Chase was a Dragon. I was starting to get into the whole thing but every time someone put a piece of candy in my bucket mom or dad took it out claiming it had peanut butter in it or some such thing…what a buzz kill these parents!! The best part was staying up WAY WAY past my bedtime and getting to hang out with my cousins. They are big fun!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Alana's Birthday

I went to my friend Alana's 2nd birthday party this past weekend. It was big fun!! All of my friends were there. The best part was the Elmo cupcakes AND the big jumpy "thingie" she had in the basement. Her house is BIG FUN!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

Today we celebrated Daddy's birthday. I pratice the happy birthday song at storytime so I was all ready to sing to daddy. Mommy made a nice dinner and we had ice cream cake for dessert. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Classic Luke P!

Luke LOVES to help daddy clean by example. He sees Daddy cleaning the floors with the Swiffer so any chance he gets he graps the Swiffer says “Daddy Swiffer” and walks around the house with it.

Another typical in our house is Luke with the crocs or what he calls his “basketball shoes” because he has a basketball charm on them. Often he will go get his “basketball shoes” and demand to wear them sometimes even to bed!! He wakes up in the morning so happy with his “basketball shoes” still on ;)

In Transition!!!

Sorry I haven’t been posting on my blog lately. I have good reason. Lots going on for me these days!! We moved out of our house in Acton and I had my last day at daycare. We are living at Mimi’s place at the cape until our new place is ready. Mom and Dad took me yesterday for the first time. It is very cute, close to the water and I met the nice neighbor next door who said he would take me out on his boat! How fun is that!?!?! I won’t be able to post pictures in the next month or so, until we get the computer hooked back up….everything is in storage for now!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Rub a Dub Dub --Three in the Tub!

We moved out of our house Friday!! SO...I got to have a sleepover with my cousin's Chase and Madison. We were going to Grampy's 90th birthday celebration the next day so we all had to be nice and clean. Auntie and Mommy threw us all in the tub together. It was big fun having friends to play with at bathtime!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fun with Milk!

Now that I am proficient at using the straw cup, I’ve found ways to make things interesting! I’ve learned that if you flip the straw with your teeth, milk goes everywhere!! This is big fun to me…not sure why mommy doesn’t see the fun in it too!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Big Fun Saturday!!!

It may have been raining all day today but I still managed to have some big fun!!! First Mom, Dad and I went to Sesame Street Live!!! I got to see Elmo and Cookie Monster and Ernie and Bert and Big Bird and everyone LIVE and in person!!! It was like a dream come true. I loved the lights and music and danced to the songs. After an hour I was playing with the little girl behind me…short attention span!!!

THEN…after lunch and my nap we went to my friend Jackson’s house for some pumpkin decorating and playing! Mommy and I decorated my pumpkin with stickers and markers. Jackson’s mommy is very crafty that way. It was good hangin’ with my friends PLUS I got to tell them all about how I met Elmo!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Apple Picking with Alana

I went apple picking with my friend a few Wednesdays ago. We went to Honey Pot Farm in Stow. It was big fun. There were animals (chickens, goats, bunnies, and pigs) and pumpkins and lots of apples!!! Alana taught me how to eat a whole apple and I’ve been doing it ever since!! So fun!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day Back at School

I’m not really in school at 19 months but that’s what we call my daycare around here. Sounds more professional. My school has been closed for over 2 weeks while the teachers got the classrooms ready for us to come back. Me and all my friends are moving to the big boy room, young toddler, next door. My new room has a kitchen play set and a real goldfish!!! How cool is that!?! A couple of my friends aren’t in my classroom anymore and one of my very best friends is only there on Friday but I have a few new friends! AND I was very excited to see my friend Katie is in my classroom this year too! We are friends from the mommies group and hang out “outside of school”. I’ll probably show her the ropes ‘round the place. I was so happy to be back, I didn’t even notice when Mommy said goodbye. I love school!!!