Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy 2nd Birthday Ali!!!

Ali turns two!
Our sweet little Ali is two whole years old today, hard to believe.  She just learned to say “ONE” when asked how old she is, now we have to re-train her. 
She is so fun and everyone’s favorite “go to” family member.  When the kids get home from school, the first thing they want to know is “Where is Ali?” She loves nothing more than playing with them in their rooms.  I’m pretty sure she thinks she is about their age.
Ali loves popsicles and lollypops. These are her two absolute favorite things.  She gets very upset when someone is eating one in front of her and she isn’t included. I sometimes send the kids to their rooms to have a lollypop if I don’t want her to have one, otherwise…WWIII
Ali also loves “school”. She goes to a little playgroup for a couple hours on Thursday.  Loves it.  Always asking to go to “school”.  She also loves her music class.  I don’t think I’ll have trouble getting her out of the house when the time comes for real school.
Ali also loves music.  She absolutely loves singing just about any nursery rhyme.  Her favories are “The wheels on the bus” and “Five little monkeys”.  Her favorite pop song by far is Whip It by Silento.  She can do the nae nae with the best of them. We have many many videos of her doing this dance.

We are trying to potty-train but so far that hasn’t gotten off the ground.  She says “no potty” when anyone tries to get her to sit on her little white potty.  We’ll keep trying.  

Ali is currently weighing in at 26.6lbs (66%) and 34.5 inches tall (65%).  

Poor Ali was a little sick for her birthday.  She has an ear infection and is on antibiotics but still not her happy little self.  We had a little party for her with the neighbor kids with pizza and cupcakes.

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