Saturday, November 2, 2013

Classic Luke -

Luke can be a real piece of work, as we have learned through the years. Maybe all kids are this way but he seems to always be saying the funniest things.

Here is a sample of the latest:

Luke has been walking around telling people that because he is 100% German (not sure where he determined this) he REALLY likes pretzels and he can eat pretzels more than other people (like when he should be going to bed or instead of eating dinner). The only thing we can figure is that when we ate soft pretzels while in the German section at Epcot, we told the kids they were German. Luke took this and ran with it. Not sure why this idea is surfacing now.

Luke has show and tell as school every Wednesday. He has to bring something in from home that is special/means something to him. During snack time, he gets up and tells the class about his item. A small group goes every day of the week so I think they have 4 or 5 kids a day "presenting". The kids can then ask questions. I love this because it gets the kids into public speaking early on, I've noticed St. Phils does a lot of these types of things. I digress! Anyway, one week Luke brought in a baseball he got during our trip to Kaiwah, SC when Luke went to a minor league baseball game, the Riverdogs, and got a baseball from the mascot. It was a great little item to bring in. I asked him how it went when he came home from school and if anyone had any questions for him. He said, "It went fine, I told people it was a baseball I caught from Big Papi at a Red Sox game. Everyone thought it was really really cool. I couldn't remember the real story so I told them that one." Of course they all thought that was cool, catching a ball from the most popular Red Sox player would be quite a story....if it was true!!!

This week, Luke decided to bring in his soccer metal that he received last week at the end of the season. Again, I asked how it went and if anyone had any questions. Luke said, "It was good, only Johnny asked a question. He asked if it was real gold that my metal was made of. I told him it was."

The teacher must get a good laugh during show and least when Luke is up.

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