Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Spelling Test -

Luke had his first (of many!) spelling test today and he got 100%!! We are so proud of him. I'm probably most impressed considering I am a horrendous speller (I think I learned how to spell Halloween last year). There is hope for Luke though, maybe he got daddy's genes on this one. From here on out he will have a test every Tuesday, ten words and two sentences to write. Here were his test words:











His sentences were:

Halloween is in the fall.

The man had big maps.

He is graded not only on the spelling but use of upper/lower case, punctuation, and handwriting.

He needs work on his handwriting (another one of mommy's troubled subjects - daddy's too I'm afraid)

I remember coloring and cut/pasting mostly in first grade but this is the real deal. He also has book reports ones a month and a monthly reading log.

He loves science and math and has always done well in those subjects. He has had a take home science experiment already this year. Math worksheets throughout the week.

In social studies he just finished a unit about his neighborhood/community/state/country/world. He had to make a map of his neighborhood and again aced his test on this subject which I thought looked hard for first grade.

His least favorite subject is reading. He told me once that "all the girls like to read and they are good at it but the boys don't" Not sure that is entirely true but we do work on the reading the most. He reads a book to me every night before bed on top of his school reading work. As we explained to him, reading isn't going away. The quicker you learn the better off you'll be!

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